Call Apex Class from LWC
September 20, 2023
Call Apex Class from LWC – wire & imperative method
1. Wire a property
Apex Class
public class AccountHelper { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Account> getAccountList() { List<Account> accountList= [SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Account LIMIT 10]; return accountList; } }
<template> <lightning-card title="Call Apex Class using Wire"> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <template if:true={accounts}> <template for:each={accounts} for:item="acc"> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Name}</p> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Email}</p> </template> </template> </div> </lightning-card> </template>
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc'; import getAccountList from '@salesforce/apex/AccountHelper.getAccountList'; export default class AccountListLWC extends LightningElement { @wire(getAccountList) accounts; }
2. Wire a function
- It take care of the entire life cycle of an attribute when it changes, including fetching data by calling the method, updating the attribute and refreshing the UI, all in often a single line of code.
- Apex class must have to be cacheable = true.
- On change of a attribute you can call @wire method, you need to use ‘$’ sign before the attribute
Apex Class:
public class AccountHelper { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Account> getAccountList(String accountName) { List<Account> accountList= [SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Account WHERE Name like '%'+accountName+'%' LIMIT 10]; return accountList; } }
<template> <lightning-card title="Wire Method With Parameters"> <lightning-input label="Enter Account Name" type="search" onchange={searchAccount} value={searchKey}></lightning-input> <br/> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <template if:true={accounts}> <template for:each={accounts} for:item="acc"> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Name}</p> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Email}</p> </template> </template> </div> </lightning-card> </template>
import { LightningElement, wire,track } from 'lwc'; import getAccountList from '@salesforce/apex/AccountHelper.getAccountList'; export default class AccountListLWC extends LightningElement { @track searchKey = ''; @track accounts; @track error; searchAccount(event){ this.searchKey =; } @wire(getAccountList, {accountName:'$searchKey'}) wiredAccounts({data, error}){ if(data){ this.accounts = data; this.error = undefined; } else if (error) { this.error = error; this.accounts = undefined; } } }
3- Call a method imperatively >>> call an Apex method on demand
- To call a method that is not annotated with cacheable=true, which includes any method that inserts, updates, or deletes data.
- To control when the invocation occurs.
- To work with objects that are not supported by User Interface API, like Task and Event.
- To call a method from an ES6 module that doesn’t extend LightningElement
Apex Class:
public class AccountHelper { @AuraEnabled public static List<Account> getAccountList(String accountName) { List<Account> accountList= [SELECT Id, Name, Phone, Email FROM Account WHERE Name like '%'+accountName+'%' LIMIT 10]; return accountList; } }
<template> <lightning-card title="Imperative Method With Parameters"> <lightning-input label="Enter Account Name" type="search" onchange={handleChange} value={searchKey}></lightning-input> <lightning-button label="Search" onclick={searchAccount} ></lightning-button> <br/> <div class="slds-m-around_medium"> <template if:true={accounts}> <template for:each={accounts} for:item="acc"> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Name}</p> <p key={acc.Id}>{acc.Email}</p> </template> </template> </div> </lightning-card> </template>
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc'; import getAccountList from '@salesforce/apex/AccountHelper.getAccountList'; export default class AccountListLWC extends LightningElement { @track accounts; @track error; @track searchKey; handleChange(event){; } searchAccount() { getAccountList({ accountName: this.searchKey }) .then(result => { this.accounts = result; }) .catch(error => { this.error = error; }); .finally(() => { console.log('Finally'); }); } }
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Hi! Asif Parvez here, I'm from West Bengal's Howrah. I have extensive experience in Apex, Integration (REST API), LWC, ADMIN and working as Senior Salesforce Developer for Dazeworks Technologies(An iLink Digital Company). I am also a content creator and blogger.
I have three certifications(PD-I, PD-II, Salesforce Associate).
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